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Friday, 21 January 2022
The Most Important Lesson in Chess
The most important lesson I have learnt in chess as a novice is to keep calm and play on. I know what you might be thinking. Who is this guy to teach us anything about chess when his ELO on is 600 and he has lost almost as many times as he has won, who learned chess when he was 20, a special shout out to meesterzack for teaching me then, and who still suck at 40? Well, keep your hats on. Hear me out and then tell me if you think I am wrong about this. And more significantly, I am making this video for my kids, so that they understand why it is important to not give up when playing chess.
Thursday, 6 January 2022
Unintended Consequences
Unintended consequences infect our lives, frequently rearing their heads in the outcomes of our actions. We tend to recall the ones that negatively affect us though we might not realise that they have surfaced at all if their effects were not harmful. However, when adversely affected, the prudent may strive to consider them as lessons learnt, incorporating these hard-earned lessons consciously or unconsciously into their future actions. They try to understand how these unintended consequences wormed into their plans and then modify future plans to avoid the possibility of their arising.